Kennedy, B. L., Bondy, E., Dana, N. F., Vescio, V., & Ma, V. W. (2019). The development and enactment of practitioner scholarship among graduates from one online Ed.D. program. Journal of Further and Higher Education. Advance online publication.
Ma, V. W., Dana. N. F., Adams, A., Kennedy, B. (2018). Understanding the problem of practice: An analysis of professional practice EdD dissertations. Impacting Education: Jounral on Transforming Professional Practice, 3, 13-22.
Griffin, C. C., Dana, N. F., Pape, S. J., Algina, J., Bae, J., Prosser, S. K., & League, M. (2018). Prime online: Exploring teacher professional development for creating inclusive elementary mathematics classrooms. Teaching Education and Special Education, 41(2) 121-139.
Dana, N.F. (2017). Practitioner inquiry and PDS work: A reflection on 25 years of purpose, problems, and potential. School-University Partnerships, 10(4), 5-12.
Dana, N. F., & Currin, E. (2017). Inquiry for equity: Exploring the impact of practitioner research. Journal of Practitioner Research, 2(2).
Dana, N. F., Pape, S. J., Griffin, C.C., & Prosser, S. K. (2017). Incorporating practitioner inquiry into an online professional development program: The Prime Online experience. Professional Development in Education, 43(2), 212-231.
Dana, N. F., Marrs-Morford, L., & Roberts, S. (2017). Teaching principals to be action researchers: The Indiana Principal Leadership Institute (IPLI) Coaching Model. Journal of Practitioner Research, 2(1),
Wolkenhauer, R., Hill, A., Dana, N. F., & Stuckey, M. (2017). Exploring the connections between action research and teacher leadership: A Reflection on teacher leader research for confronting new challenges. The New Educator, 13(2), 117-136.
Shannon, D., Smith, S., & Dana, N. F. (2016). Practitioner research in early childhood education and care: A twenty-one year review of the literature. Infants and Young Children, 29(4), 312-334.
Dana, N. F., Marrs-Morford, L., & Roberts, S. (2015). The promise of action research: Lessons learned from the Indiana Principal Leadership Institute. LEARNing Landscapes, 9(1), 59-79.
Jacobs, J., Yendol-Hoppey, D., & Dana, N. F. (2015). Preparing the next generation of teacher educators: The role of practitioner research. Action in Teacher Education, 37(4), 373-396.
Dana, N. F. (2015). Understanding inquiry as stance: Illustration and analysis of one teacher researcher’s work. LEARNing Landscapes, 8(2), 161-172.
Dana, N.F., Dawson, K., Wolkenhauer, R., & Krell, D. (2013). Pushing the envelope on what is known about teacher professional development: The virtual school teacher experience. Professional Development in Education, DOI:10.1080/19415257.2012.762417.
Dawson K., Dana, N.F., Wolkenhauer, R. & Krell, D. (2013). Identifying the priorities and practices of virtual school educators using action research. American Journal of Distance Education, 27(1), 29-39.
Dana, N. F., Krell, D., & Wolkenhauer, R. (2012). Taking action research in teacher education online: Exploring the Possibilities. In R. Hartshorne, T. Heafner, & T. Petty (Eds). Teacher education programs and online learning tools: Innovations in teacher preparation. IGA Global.
Wolkenhauer, R., Boynton, S., & Dana, N. F. (2011). The power of practitioner research and development of an inquiry stance in teacher education programs. Teacher Education and Practice, 24(4), 388-404.
Ross, D., Adams, A., Bondy, E., Dana, N. F., Dodman, S., & Swain, C. (2011). Impact of a cohort-based, job-embedded, blended teacher leadership program. Teaching and Teacher Education, 27, 1213-1222.
Dana, N. F., Delane, D. C., & George, P. (2010). Reclaiming Camelot: Capturing the reflections of exemplary veteran middle school teachers in an age of high-stakes testing and accountability through narrative inquiry. In K. F. Malu (Ed.) Handbook of Research on Middle Level Education. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, 151-172.
Dana, N. F., & Yendol-Hoppey, D. (2010). The role of inquiry-oriented learning communities and protocols in sustaining and enhancing teacher reflectivity throughout the professional lifetime. In E. G. Pultorak (Ed.) The Purposes, Practices, and Professionalism of Teacher Reflectivity: Insights for 21stCentury Teachers and Students. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 277- 300.
Dana, N. F., Tricarico, K., & Quinn, D. (2010). The administrator as action researcher: A case study of five principals and their engagement in systematic, intentional study of their own practice. Journal of School Leadership, 19(3), 232-265.
Yendol-Hoppey, D., Dana, N.F., & Delane, D. (2009). Inquiry-oriented mentoring in the professional development school. School-University Partnerships, 3(1), 6 – 13.
Yendol-Hoppey, D., & Dana, N. F. (2009). Commingling action research and professional learning communities: An illustration of key components. In C. J. Craig and L. F. Deretchin (Eds.). Teacher Learning in Small Group Settings: Teacher Education Yearbook XVII. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Education, 54-65
Dana, N. F. & Yendol-Hoppey, D. (2008). Resisting crash diet staff development, Kappa Delta Pi Record, 44(2), 66-71.
Dawson, K. & Dana, N. F. (2007). When curriculum-based, technology enhanced field experiences and teacher inquiry coalesce: An opportunity for conceptual change? British Journal of Educational Technology, 38(4), 656-667.
Dana, N. F., Yendol-Hoppey, D., & Snow-Gerono, J. L. (2006). Deconstructing inquiry in the professional development school: Exploring the domains and contents of teachers’ questions. Action in Teacher Education, 27(4), 59-71.
Dana, N. F. & Yendol-Hoppey, D. (2005). Becoming an early childhood teacher leader and advocate for social justice: A phenomenological interview study. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 26(3), 191 – 206.