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Dana, N. F. (2019, Oct.).  Action research and the teacher leader:  Introduction and overview.  2-day workshop for the Indiana Department of Education Teacher Leadership Bootcamp, Indianapolis, Indiana. 


Dana, N. F. (2019 and 2018, Oct.).  Using protocols to support the dissertation-in-practice experience.  4-hour pre-conference workshop at the fall convening of the Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate, Columbia, South Carolina (2019); Phoenix, Arizona (2018).


Dana, N. F. (2018, Feb.).  Designing, delivering, and innovating clinically-centered teacher education programs:  Introduction to clinical fellows.  Special invited session at the annual meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators, Atlanta, GA. 


Dana, N. F. (2018, June).  Facilitating productive conversations about the professional practice doctorate:  The use of protocols.   Keynote presentation at the June convening of the Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate.  Tallahassee, FL. 


Dana, N. F. (2018, Feb.). Integrating practitioner research into a clinically-rich teacher education program:  Getting started and getting better.  Full-day pre-conference workshop presented at teh Association of Teacher Educator’s annual meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada. 


Dana, N. F. (2017, Nov.).  Complementing educational research generated by university faculty and policymakers with educational research generated by teachers in schools:  A new era for FERA.  Keynote presentation at the annual meeting of the Florida Association for Educational Research, Cocoa Beach, Fl. 


Dana, N. F. (2017, August).  Evidence-based arguments to support practitioner inquiry and professional learning communities.  Keynote address at the Linpilcare conference on teachers’ professional learning.  Ljubljana, Slovenia. 


Dana, N. F. (2017, July). Unleashing the power of teacher leadership through inquiry.  Workshop presented at the Leveraging Teacher Leadership Institute by School Administrators of Iowa, Des Moines, IA. 


Dana, N. F. (2017;2016;2015;2014, July). The power and passion of inquiry.  Invited keynote address at the Indiana State University IPLI (Indiana Principal Leadership Institute) summer institutes.  Terra Haute, IN. 


Dana, N. F., Delane, D., MacDonald, M., & Mundorf, J. (2017, March).  The role of teacher inquiry in teacher leadership.  Invited keynote address at the International Conference on Teacher Leadership, Miami Fl. 


Dana, N.F., & Zenkov, K. (2017, Feb.).  A top ten of teacher education: Portraits of the present and future of a clinically-based profession.  Invited keynote at the Association of Teacher Educators annual meeting, Orlando, FL.


Dana, N.F. (2016-2017).  Learning through inquiry as Wayne Township Administrators. Series of five workshops presented to Wayne Township School District, Indianapolis, IN over the course of the 2016-2017 academic year as all district administrators were coached through the practitioner inquiry process:


  • Getting Started in Inquiry and Learning Community Work (June, 14, 2016)

  • Developing a Wondering/Question (September 8, 2016)

  • Developing a Plan for Your Inquiry (November 3, 2016)

  • Data Analysis for the Principal Inquirer (February 2, 2017)

  • Sharing Your Work with Others (April 6, 2017)


Dana, N.F. (2016, Oct).  Combining practitioner inquiry, learning communities, and academic research: A recipe for powerful professional learning and development.  Invited keynote address at the Linpilcare conference on teachers’ professional learning.  Tartu, Estonia. 


Dana, N. F. (2016, July). Learning to teach and teaching to learn:  Coaching novice and veteran teacher professional development through inquiry.  Invited full-day workshop presented for University of Georgia College of Education and Clarke County Schools, Athens, GA.


Dana, N.F. (2016, March).  The role of teacher inquiry in teacher education.  Invited speaker for University of North Dakota’s Danley lecture series, Grand Forks, ND. 


Dana, N.F. (2016, Jan.).  Integrating action research and learning community work.  Invited three-hour workshop presented at the School Reform Initiative Winter Meeting, Miami, FL. 


Dana, N. F. (2015, Oct.).  The role of inquiry in the professional development school.  Invited keynote address at the University of Georgia’s Office of School Engagement third annual PDS Workshop, Athens, GA. 


Dana, N. F. (2015, Jan).  Developing a strong frame of reference for practitioner inquiry.  One week course delivered in Lisbon, Portugal for a consortium of representatives from numerous European countries (including educators from Belgium, Estonia, England, Holland, Ireland, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, and Slovenia).  


Dana, N. F. (2014, Nov).  Teacher inquiry as a mediation tool for teacher professional development.  Keynote presented at the Teacher Professional Development and International Comparative Studies of Classroom Practices conference, Seoul, Korea. 


Dana, N. F. (2014, October).  Evidenced-based practice, practice-based evidence, practitioner research, and the teacher educator.  Keynote presented at the annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Teacher Educators, Harrisburg, PA.   


Dana, N. F. (2013, March).  Teacher professional development in the United States:  An inquiry approach. Invited lecture at X—University, Nanjing, China.  


Dana, N. F. (2012, Nov.). Practitioner research:  What, why, and how?  (Praktijkonderzoel:  Hoe zit dat nu, feitelijk?)  Delivered a series of three keynote addresses and four workshops at a conference designed around practitioner inquiry for the Dienst Nascholing en Internationalisering, Oostende, Belgium.


  • The what and why of inquiry (Het wat en het waarom van onderzoek)

  • The how of inquiry (Het hoe van onderzoek)

  • A vision for inquiry (Een visie op praktijkonderzoek)

  • Finding your passion and developing your wondering for inquiry (with R. Wolkenhauer)

  • Planning the inquiry journey (with R. Wolkenhauer)

  • Collaboration and the inquiry process (with R. Wolkenhauer)

  • Back to the future:  Envisioning a program of inquiry for your school (with R. Wolkenhauer)


Dana, N. F., & Wolkenhauer, R. (2012, Nov.).  Inquiry inspiration day.  Delivered a series of three lectures for preservice teachers, practicing teachers, and school leaders at Fontys University, Sittard, The Netherlands.


  • Developing a plan for your inquiry

  • Coaching inquiry

  • Creating the conditions for inquiry to flourish


Dana, N. F. (2012, May).  The impact of inquiry on professional practice.  Keynote address presented at the Miami-Dade Public Schools annual Learning Showcase, Miami, FL.

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